The different types of social media marketing ads explained

The different types of social media marketing ads explained

You have a bunch of options when it comes to social media marketing. Find out which ones we’d recommend.
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The different types of social media marketing ads explained 

On average, people spend 28% of their internet time on social media

Advertising on social media is one of the fastest and most effective ways to reach your target audience. You can boost your digital marketing campaigns with these ads because they provide plenty of profitable opportunities.

So, what have we got to work with?

Facebook ads

There are three broad types of campaign objectives you can achieve with Facebook ads:

  • Increase brand awareness or reach.
  • Get traffic to your website, encourage engagement, encourage downloads and views of your app, generate leads, or communicate with people on Facebook Messenger.
  • Drive foot traffic to your offline store and increase sales or leads through your site or app.

You can promote a single post or a carousel ad, which brings us to the next type.

Carousel ads 

A Facebook carousel ad allows you to include up to 10 images or videos, each with its own link. So with this mind, know that they work well to showcase different features of a product or to explain a step-by-step process. Additionally, they're a great way to present multiple products. Make sure all images fit together and are tied to a common theme. 

Story ads

You can do story ads on Facebook and Instagram. The 24-hour lifespan of stories makes them a great format for in-the-moment marketing. People want story ads to be quick and easy to understand. Don’t underestimate the power of selling on stories. Some people watch more stories than see posts because they sit right on the top when you open the app, front and centre for all to see. 

Instagram ads

The great thing about Instagram is that you don’t just get to promote a post on people’s feeds, it will also show up in their stories. 

Video ads 

These are also quite effective because video is the most consumed form of content. So whether it’s a video on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or YouTube, it’s going to do well. 

Are you with us?

You can do these all alone, but it’s better to have an agency that knows where to start, what works and how to change it if it’s not working. 

Contact us today to learn all about social media marketing.

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