Branded vs unbranded content marketing: which is the way to go?

Branded vs unbranded content marketing: which is the way to go?

Let's unlock the perfect strategy for your brand's success. We’ll help you find the perfect balance between posting branded vs unbranded content marketing.
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Branded vs unbranded content marketing: which is the way to go? 

The same way good communication in a relationship builds a strong connection, good content marketing is a game-changer for any brand. Besides good content marketing, it is crucial to grasp the distinction between branded and unbranded content and which one is better for your business.

Branded content 

Branded online content is digital content produced and shared by a company or its representatives to promote the brand's products or services. It is typically directly associated with the brand, incorporating branding elements or content related to the brand's values and products.

Branded content is a powerful tool for creating a brand image, building brand awareness, and inspiring brand loyalty through its high-quality and authentic approach. Authenticity plays a key role, as 86% of consumers consider it vital when choosing brands to support. 

People prefer "real and organic" content over "perfect and packaged" ones, with user-generated content being perceived as more authentic. Understanding your audience's values and engaging with them in a genuine and conversational manner is essential for achieving authenticity.

The Dove Real Beauty campaigns exemplify authentic branded content marketing. By focusing on self-esteem and combating beauty bias, these campaigns use both empowering brand-generated videos and inspirational user-generated content, fostering a sincere brand image that actively connects with and cares about its customer base.

Unbranded content 

Unbranded content is content that doesn't focus on promoting a specific brand or product as its primary goal. Brand mentions, if any, are usually secondary or minor. This content can be informative, educational or entertaining and may originate from individuals, social media creators, media companies, or other entities.

Entertaining content also works for your brand to gain interest and a following. Some companies rely solely on this type of marketing. 

Coca-Cola's digital magazine Journey has achieved tremendous success, attracting around 1.1 million monthly visitors. Through audience-focused and interactive content, the magazine encourages users to share their personal stories of enjoying the best Coca-Cola experiences on its front page. GoPro is another brand that focuses on the people more than the product, and you’ll see it clearly when you take a look at their Instagram page

The advantage of unbranded content is that it enables people to establish a connection with the brand that doesn’t require them to buy from you. If the connection continues to evolve, they might buy from you or become brand ambassadors. The end goal is sales, but continued sales is even better. Build a connection with your customers and keep at it. 

So which is best?

A blend of the two. We can help you achieve this in a balanced way with a well-thought-out content marketing plan. Let us create content on a continuous basis and get you closer to your ideal customers.

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