Our guide to writing LinkedIn bios that stand out

Our guide to writing LinkedIn bios that stand out

Unlock the secrets of a standout LinkedIn bio and make it shine like a supernova with our stellar guide. Get expert tips and elevate your LinkedIn profile.

Our guide to writing LinkedIn bios that stand out

We understand the importance of having a well-crafted LinkedIn bio, but sometimes we struggle with figuring out the right approach. How much information is too much? Should we incorporate quirky and personal details? Or should we be using cookie-cutter bios? No need to sweat it, we have all the answers and examples you need.

First things first …

Why do you, a business owner, need to worry about your LinkedIn bios? Consider it prime real estate for personal branding.

When people search for you on Linkedin, the keywords used will help with better visibility. This increases your chances of building business connections – who doesn’t want business connections?

Each word must serve a distinct purpose

The headline is the initial impression that visitors encounter upon reaching your profile. Think of it as a compelling sales pitch for your skills and expertise. With a maximum limit of 100 characters, make the most of this space by crafting an engaging summary that showcases your unique qualities and accomplishments. But show people what you do instead of just stating your job title. 

LinkedIn has your headline automatically set to your job title, but we want you to give a little more. 

You can make use of this headline template:
I specialise in empowering [target audience] to attain remarkable [results] through my unparalleled expertise.

Say you are an interior designer, your headline would look something like this:

I specialise in empowering homeowners and businesses to achieve extraordinary interior transformations through my unparalleled expertise as an interior designer.

It’s still a little generic, let’s try something else:

I bring a specialised touch to homeowners and businesses to help them achieve extraordinary interior transformations through my unparalleled expertise as an interior designer.

Maybe it’s a little loaded.

I bring a specialised touch to homeowners and businesses to help them achieve extraordinary interior transformations.

A captivating headline can make all the difference, determining whether people reach out to you or overlook your profile entirely.

Now don’t forget your hashtags 

We like to use this site to give us a head start. When you input "interior designers" into the search bar, a plethora of relevant hashtags will be presented to you. These hashtags can be strategically incorporated into your bio, enhancing your discoverability and ensuring that your profile remains easily searchable for those seeking interior design expertise.

Lastly, change your profile picture as often as you can. It tells people that there is a real human behind the account. LinkedIn even lets you upload profile videos. Do whatever you can to stand out. 

If you need a little help in the content department – we’ll gladly help. We can also do some posts on LinkedIn while we’re at it. We’ll link you up.😉

Chat to Koola Digital, we’re here to help you produce captivating profiles that get you engagement.

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