Internet Solutions

Internet Solutions

Internet Solutions (IS) is a Pan-African telecommunications service provider to all organisations wishing to establish a presence on the African continent. The company has been providing innovative end-to-end telecom solutions and related services for more than 20 years.
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Internet Solutions (IS) is a Pan-African telecommunications service provider to all organisations wishing to establish a presence on the African continent. The company has been providing innovative end-to-end telecom solutions and related services for more than 20 years. Today, IS is at the forefront of rapidly innovating internet protocol-based technologies to build solutions and services tailored to organisations across the African continent.

IS is geared at providing services to large public and private sector organisations, small and medium-sized organisations, and the wholesale market. The company leads in the South African enterprise access at 28 percent market share, South African enterprise hosting services at 21 percent market share, and voice over internet protocol (VOIP) services at 24 percent market share.

The company was awarded an i-ECS and an i-ECNS license in 2009 and has one of the largest VSAT (very small aperture terminal) MPLS (multiprotocol label switching) networks with over 3500 VSAT terminals across the continent with teleports in South Africa, Mozambique, Nigeria and Germany. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dimension Data and part of the NTT Group, IS has an expanded capability with 12 000m2 of data centre space across the African continent and is the largest provider of alternate last mile services in South Africa.

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