Why SEO and keyword research matters

Why SEO and keyword research matters

Search engines value authoritative sources, so help your website gain visitors through the prowess of SEO and keyword research.

Why SEO and keyword research matters

Within the ever-evolving landscape of Google's algorithm updates, a constant remains for marketers aiming to enhance their websites for search: the significance of keyword research.

Keyword research serves the purpose of discovering the most effective search phrases to target while also providing valuable insights into the specific queries that your target audience is actively using on Google. These insights play a pivotal role in informing not only your SEO and content strategy but also your overarching marketing strategy.

So, why is it important to get it right? 

Keyword research clarifies the search terms your audience employs. Often, businesses use different words to describe their offerings than their potential customers. This mismatch hampers discoverability, making keyword research essential. This process aligns your vocabulary with that of your audience and factors in their search intent. This ensures you address their needs.

Touching on findability

While unique keywords may distinguish your brand, they might not align with what your audience searches for. An example is optimising for "vacation cottages" when your audience uses "vacation homes". This discrepancy can limit traffic and hinder reaching potential customers.

Key concepts of keyword research

Focus keyword: The term you want a page to rank for in Google is determined through keyword research.

Long-tail keywords: Specific, niche-focused terms with less competition but higher conversion potential.

Keyword strategy: Decisions driven by research, like content creation priorities and format choices.

Search intent: Understanding what searchers need and designing content to address their problems.

Why you need to blend it all together


Google prioritises content that aligns with user needs, that’s the search intent. Your content ranks for a keyword when it fulfils searchers' requirements. Additionally, it must stand out as the most valuable resource for the query. Google won't favour content that provides less value compared to other available resources.


Google values authoritative sources more. To establish authority, enhance your site with informative content and actively promote it to earn backlinks and social recognition. If your site lacks authority in a particular field, especially if the search results are dominated by heavyweight sources, your chances of ranking are lower, unless your content is exceptional.


Ranking on the first page is great, but if no one searches for the keyword, it won't drive traffic. It's like setting up a shop in an empty town. Volume is gauged by MSV (monthly search volume), indicating how often the keyword is searched per month across all audiences.

Let us navigate the world of SEO and keyword research for you. We know how to analyse your business, help you come up with the right keywords and how to use them to bring people straight to your small business. Contact us today to get started on attracting the right potential customers.

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